Grey Curtains
Grey Curtains
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Grey Curtains

Grey curtains at first sight may be a very plain and boring colour to use as a curtain. However, there are many shades of grey and so many designs and styles that you can mix and match or play with to make grey a stylish and fun colour to use in a curtain.

There are many shades of grey that are available, from the lightest shade to the darkest nearing black shade of grey. It is important to consider the colour of your furniture or walls when choosing the shade of grey curtains.


 If these grey curtains are to be placed in a bedroom, make sure it goes well with the color of the bedding. It is nice to use lighter shades of grey curtains when the walls and furniture are dark coloured and darker shades of grey when the walls and furniture are light coloured. It creates a contrast and turns grey into something nice instead of just boring.

grey curtains

Grey curtains are actually very easy to mix and match, which makes them practical to use. Just like black, it is perfect to mix with almost any colour, so it means you can only have one set of curtains and just have it washed when needed, because no matter how much you change the colour of your walls, furniture or bedding, your grey curtains would still look good with it.


Some of the options when buying grey curtains

Grey curtains may be custom ordered or purchased readymade. They are easily available online in many stores where you can choose from a wide range of designs and shades of grey. You can also choose from really cheap to expensive curtains depending on your budget.

You can also simply go to fabric stores and choose a specific fabric colour, texture and material that you prefer and you may have this sewn by a professional, or if you have plenty of time and sewing skills, then you can also do this yourself. Just make sure that you have measured the area wherein you will place these curtains because if the curtain is too short or too long, it just wouldn’t do. Grey curtains could also either be attached directly to the wall or window, or you could simply attach hooks to the area where you will hang it and use rods to hang the curtains.
